Gifting Options

Make your legacy a life saving one

A percentage of your estate

This is a very common way to leave a Gift in Your Will. It ensures that as the value of your assets changes through life, then the value of your gift in the Will also changes in the same ratio.

A specific gift

Examples of this include an item such as jewellery, a painting, or specific shares that you may wish to make as a gift to St John Giving in your Will. This does not take into account any changes in the value of your estate and relates only to these specific items.

A pecuniary gift

This is a fixed amount that can be specified in the Will. This also doesn’t change as your estate changes and normally takes place as a fixed gift prior to any sharing of the assets amongst others.

A residuary gift

After debts, funeral costs and the other gift types are taken from your estate the remainder or a percentage of the total residual can be left to St John Giving, or shared to named persons or to groups of people (ie. children, grandchildren). This can include clauses that consider situations where the beneficiary pre-deceases you. There can also be a residue clause that deals with a situation where all other gifts fail and in such circumstances you choose to leave the remaining estate to St John Giving.

Charities in Australia are very dependent on Gifts in Wills to allow them to continue their work.
St John WA is no different.

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