Wills Program
It is estimated that around 50% of Australians do not have a valid Will. No matter where you are on your Wills journey, St John Giving is here to help.
Our program is offered by St John Giving to prepare your estate with a Simple Will. We have two different approaches to helping you to prepare your Will:

Online Simple Wills
If you are unable to meet with a solicitor or prefer to write your Will in the comfort of your own home, you can prepare your will online through our trusted providers.
We have partnered with Gathered Here, an online Wills platform in Australia offering completely Free Simple Wills with a lifetime of free updates.
Through our partner Safewill you can also prepare EPA's and EPG's as well as a bespoke online Will. Your Will is reveiwed securely by the Safewill team prior to your submission.
Willed also offer online Wills for St John WA supporters with various pricing options and promotions throughout the year.

Traditional Solicitor
We are very fortunate that a number of qualified Solicitors volunteer their time to help St John WA supporters to prepare Simple Wills - completely free of charge. You can learn more by attending our next free Wills information evening.

Create a legacy with St John Giving
WA communities are depending on everyday people, just like you, to support the provision of emergency health care. Last year alone, St John WA responded to 305,900 emergency Triple Zero (000) calls - each one of these relied on first responders mobilising to assist their fellow citizens whilst paramedics were on the way. Your legacy can equip WA communities with the tools, time, and knowledge to respond to unfolding emergencies.
When preparing your Will, either with a Solicitor or Online, you will be offered an obligation-free opportunity to include St John Giving as a beneficiary, the proceeds of which go towards funding essential charitable programs throughout your local community.
We understand the decision to leave a gift in your Will is a significant one. Rest assured that St John WA has supported those in sickness, distress, suffering and danger for over 130 years here in Western Australia. Many people, when updating their Will choose to include a gift to a cause that has been important to them as part of their legacy.
With your help, St John Giving will expand the existing reach of work to help more people in need and break new ground with how we support communities in WA - to make an even greater impact into the future. By leaving a gift in your Will to St John Giving you are helping us on our mission to bring a renewed resilience and strength to all communities of WA – so that every Western Australian has a more fair and equal experience of wellbeing, safety and quality of life.
Click on a question below to reveal the answer.
Why do I need a Will?
If you do not have a valid Will, the estate is managed by the legal system and is distributed based on the Administration Act 1903 (WA).
A valid Will:
- states who manages your estate (your Executor) after you pass away
- details how your estate is distributed to others (Beneficiaries)
- decides who looks after any children/dependants upon the death of both parents (Guardian)
- reduces legal claims against the estate
- considers your complete circumstances including business interests, superannuation, blended families and many other complexities of modern situations*
Our Gift in Will program offers a free estate planning service. You can meet with a Solicitor to create a legal Simple Will for free that shares your estate to your beneficiaries in simple terms of fixed value gifts and percentage distribution.
*A Simple Will is the first building block of your estate planning and is required before the complex parts of your estate are considered. In many situations, a Simple Will could be sufficient for your needs but will be based on your discussions with the Solicitor. If you have a complex situation, you will still receive the part of the Will that is considered to be the Simple Will for free from your solicitor. The Solicitor will always discuss any extra costs with you directly so that you are always aware of the situation.
What is a Legacy Solicitor?
A Legacy Solicitor is an independent professional who provides legal advice in WA and who donates some of their time to St John Giving to provide free (pro bono) Simple Wills to people who are referred to them through the Wills program.
The Solicitor acts on your behalf and your dealings are through a private & confidential appointment which is directly between you and the Solicitor.
Once you are at the stage to start with preparing your Will, we will be there to assist you in the lead up to your appointment with your nominated solicitor. At every step of this process, we will be alongside you to provide the support, guidance and clarity you need to make it as straightforward as possible.
Alongside the Legacy Solicitors in the greater Perth area, we also have the support of Solicitors who have independent offices in country locations. Wherever possible, we recommend that you do meet with your Solicitor to talk through your instructions face to face. If this is not possible, a number of our Legacy Solicitors in Perth will offer meetings using a video call such as Zoom, Skype, Teams, etc.
How much does Will preparation through St John Giving cost?
There is no cost to you for a Simple Will through St John Giving Legacy Solicitors. Please note, This only applies if you use a Legacy Solicitor within our referral network.
At the time of creating your Will, Legacy Solicitors will offer the opportunity to leave a gift in your Will to St John Giving. It is not compulsory to leave a Gift in your Will however every gift helps St John Giving to create a healthy, resilient and safe community for all Western Australians.
I am updating my Will with my own Solicitor, what should I include?
If you wish to bequest to St John Giving in your Last Will and Testament, you may like to use the following wording:
“I give the (whole or residue or percentage) of my estate to St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd (ABN 55 028 468 715) of 209 Great Eastern Highway, Belmont WA 6104, for its general purposes and the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer or other duly authorised body of St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd will be sufficient discharge to my Executor(s).”
“I give the sum of (insert the actual amount in words and figures) to St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd (ABN 55 028 468 715) of 209 Great Eastern Highway, Belmont WA 6104, for its general purposes and the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer or other duly authorised body of St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd will be sufficient discharge to my Executor(s).”
St John Giving supports a range of charitable programs in the local community, facilitated by St John WA. These programs include:
- Volunteer and Specialist equipment at over 140 country St John WA sub-centres
- Over 5,000 public-access defibrillators
- Community Transport for our elderly and vulnerable to attend appointments and stay connected
- The St John WA First Responder program
- First aid training in schools
Each of these programs is designed to fill the gap between an emergency unfolding and ambulance attendance. By equipping our communities with the tools, time, and knowledge to act in an emergency, we can optimise rates of survival.
St John WA has an agreement with our trusted providers to offer either free or a generously discounted rate to St John WA referrals who write their online Will through their platforms.
To understand the steps involved in writing your Will, you can visit the Wills provider pages above to see more.
If you have any questions about the online Wills, please contact us by email at giving@stjohnwa.com.au or by phone on 1800 759 455 or 08 9334 1493 and we would be pleased to assist you.
Register for a free Wills Information Booklet
Curious to learn more about our free Will preparation services? Please complete the form below and we will mail you an obligation-free information pack.